Sock Wars!
It was good to be able to ask my husband to give me a marathon weekend when he so frequently asks it of me. The request was met with a perplexed face, not unlike the one you get at dinner parties when your partner in conversation really has no idea what you are talking about. With children, laundry, and grocery shopping taken care of, I sat down to my weekend of marathon knitting. Armed with some lovely Rowan Wool/Cotton, the Sock of Doom Pattern, much college football, and a stash of Diet Pepsi I emerged about 16 hours later with a finished pair of socks (with only one teeny little mistake)!

Hope their victim enjoys them! I know mine are on the way from the UK as we speak so my time as a warrior will be short. If only 16 hours of knitting had the same caloric exertion as 16 hours of running
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